Sunday, March 7, 2010

More Connections...Thanks APOC

So as I discussed in my blog post about my business idea, I've started to look more seriously at starting this company. From what I can tell and how people have responded, the perception is that this could be both a very useful and potentially lucrative service.

However, I'd never really ventured into the whole seeking out a designer stage. Luckily for me, an awesome site designer/logo creator/brand extraordinaire named Tim Pederson came to our Wednesday night class. Zac told me to explain the idea to Tim to get his take on the idea. Tim loved it, and so I asked for his contact info so we could discuss it further. Apparently he thinks it'd be a piece of cake, and wants to tackle it once he finds the time to.

This was really cool to hear from someone who really knows what he's doing out in this digital space. With this bit of encouragement, James and I plan on collecting and analyzing more data to figure out exactly how this whole thing should operate.

Let me know your thoughts!

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