Apparently the party is officially being crashed. According to this article on Mashable, recent studies have shown that "48% of Parents Friend Their Kid On Facebook."
At this point, I'm not really surprised by this at all. In fact, my Dad "friended" me about a year ago (Ignored) and my Mom doesn't have a Facebook.
So does this mean the end? I honestly don't think so. There's my route of just saying "no" to my parents and relatives at this point. Then there's also the fact that I think that worried kids have become so well-versed at Facebook due to the endless amounts of time spent on the site that they know how to control what their parents will be able to see.
But who knows, maybe teenagers will be forced to unblock themselves from their parents, and then the kids will move down the street to a new nightclub (a la MySpace to Facebook).
Anyone who doesn't really have the whole "Timeout" thing hanging over their heads, however, will likely not be making the move to the new venue.
*Sidenote: A "Facebook Friend" of mine who is currently traveling abroad recently posted that she had "Just seen the movie TAKEN and realized she had done a few too many of the things that got the girls in trouble in that movie...woops." Mama and Papa Wagner commented later that they weren't exactly thrilled with this post.